Dr. Deb Kern
I’m Dr. Deb Kern, and I’ve dedicated my life to uncovering the intersection of ancient wisdom and modern science to create transformative tools for healing. As the creator of PranaShakti™ Dance, I offer a unique form of movement medicine—a healing modality that blends movement, music, breath, and intention to reconnect women with their bodies, liberate energy, and reclaim the energy and joy to thrive in daily life.
My journey began with academic research, where I conducted groundbreaking studies proving that mind/body-integrated movement reduced anxiety more effectively than conventional exercise. But I didn’t stop there. I craved a deeper understanding of healing—beyond the confines of labs and lecture halls. This hunger led me to study with shamans and tantrikas in Bali, and with yogis, Ayurvedic practitioners and energy workers in India and the USA, and herbalists in Costa Rica.
Through these experiences, I discovered that the body holds wisdom—and movement is its medicine. By weaving together practices from Ayurveda, Tantra, yoga, energy medicine, sound healing, and holistic health, I developed PranaShakti™ Dance: a practice that helps women clear energy blocks, shake off stagnancy, release negative thoughts and beliefs, reclaim joy, and thrive.
My students describe PranaShakti Dance as a blend of psychotherapy, sacred ceremony, and joyful exercise. But truly, it’s an experience that transcends words—one that must be felt to be understood. Whether I’m leading a keynote, teaching a class, or hosting a retreat, I pour my heart into creating an environment where healing can unfold naturally and powerfully.
In addition to movement, I’ve written two books, Everyday Wellness for Women and Create the Body Your Soul Desires, and hold a Ph.D. in Health Sciences from Texas Woman’s University, along with degrees from The University of Texas at Austin. I’ve completed extensive trainings in modalities such as Nia, Integral Hatha Yoga, Mindful Coaching, Reiki, Healing Touch, SOMA Breathwork, and Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy. Every certification, lesson, and lived experience inspires and informs the offerings I share today.
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